Sermon Illustrations about Malice
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Stop Watching Mean People in Videos
Here's the conclusion from a study published in the journal Aggressive Behavior: Watching TV programs about mean people can make you a mean person. ...
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AI Deepfake Implicates School Principal
A Maryland high school athletic director faces criminal charges for allegedly using artificial intelligence to mimic the voice of Pikesville High School ...
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Escalating Harassment Ends in eBay Settlement
In 2019, David and Ina Steiner were running a newsletter called CommerceBytes. The newsletter reported on a lawsuit by online retailer eBay alleging that ...
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Revenge Really Is Sweet
While seeking to better understand the nature of aggression, David Chester of Virginia Commonwealth University, along with Nathan DeWall of the University ...
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Even Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Got Criticized
November 19, 2024 will mark the 161st anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address." According to a 2013 editorial in ...
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Why We Rejoice when Famous People Fail
Why do we enjoy watching others—especially rich, powerful, famous people—"fall from grace"? Joseph Epstein commented on our need ...
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Famous Mountain Climber Struggled to Forgive
Many mountain climbers regard Italian Walter Bonatti as the greatest climber of all time. In 1954, when he was 24-years-old, he was the youngest member ...
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Small Town Embittered by Anonymous Gossip
In September 2011, The New York Times ran an article about a small town in Missouri called Mountain Grove. Gossip and rumors have always existed in this ...
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Journalist Finds One Universal Joke: Making Fun of Others
Lance Morrow, an award-winning journalist with Time magazine, once set out to write an article asking if there was one universal joke, told everywhere ...
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Research Discovers 237 Reasons for Sex
When researchers at the University of Texas at Austin asked 2,000 people why they have sex, there were plenty of answers—237, to be precise. The ...
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