Sermon Illustrations about Marriage
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Marriage to help bring your sermon to life.
What’s the Point of Marriage?
Author Heather Havrilesky recently wrote in an article titled “Is Marriage Obsolete?”:
Isn’t it reasonable to question the value of a ...
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Man With Most Marriages Dies Alone
Who has been married the most times? King Henry VIII (six times), film star Elizabeth Taylor (eight times), and TV actress Zsa Zsa Gabor (nine times) ...
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Honoring One Another
Soul singer Lionel Ritchie was once deeply impacted by a speech in which his father had honored his mother, on their 37th wedding anniversary. In his ...
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Married Couples Have Better Sex than Singles
Contrary to popular opinion, married couples statistically don't have worse sex than singles, but better. In their groundbreaking study, The Case ...
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Kathy Keller Explains Submission and Leadership in Marriage
Pastor Timothy Keller and his wife Kathy Keller wrote a book called The Meaning of Marriage. In it Kathy Keller gives an example of submission in a tough ...
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Want a Happy Marriage? Do the Dishes Together.
Every day, they slowly accumulate. Plates covered in sauces and crumbs. Forks, knives, and spoons all gummed with bits of this and that. At the end of ...
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Love is the Driving Force Behind Everything We Do
PBS’ The Great American Read is an eight-part series that explores America’s 100 best-loved novels. The series notes that one theme emerges ...
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Sexual Activity is not Necessary for a Well-Lived Life
Debra Hirsch experienced a dramatic conversion to faith in Jesus after drug abuse and sex with both men and women. She now holds a Traditional view of ...
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Minnesota Firefighter Leaves His Own Wedding to Battle a Blaze
When their wedding venue fell through at the last minute, Krista and Jeremy Bourasa decided to hold the ceremony at the groom's fire station in St. ...
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The Bible's High View of Singleness
In her book The Significance of Singleness, Christina Hitchcock writes:
A journalist named Kate Bolick wrote an article for The Atlantic magazine looking ...
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