Sermon Illustrations about Meaning
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Meaning to help bring your sermon to life.
Happiness Expert Struggles to Find Satisfaction
Best-selling author Arthur C. Brooks is an expert on happiness research. But he also honestly shares about his own struggle with finding true satisfaction ...
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The Behemoth of Fantasy Sports
How's your fantasy team shaping up? A recent Statista article takes stock of the United States' growing fantasy sports phenomenon. ESPN, DraftKings, ...
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We Need Someone Outside Us to Bless Us
People today may say that it shouldn’t matter what other people think about you. All that matters is what you think of you, that you live up to ...
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The Decline of the Mainline Church
The decline of the church in America is posing tremendous cultural problems. And sociologists are beginning to sound the alarm.
Once upon a time, America ...
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Celine Dion Finds Life Purpose Through Struggle
Suffering and struggles can open the door to discovering true meaning in life. This is what Celine Dion learned after her diagnosis with Stiff Person ...
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Why Are People Never Happy?
An insightful Aperture video reveals the sad reality that our happiness, or lack of, is always at a regular baseline. It only fluctuates slightly despite ...
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A Gen Z's Guide to Their Generation
A Gen Z journalist named Rikki Schlott wrote an essay to explain her generation to parents of Gen Z children. She called the essay “her best shot ...
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Only 13% Are Actively Engaged at Work
Gallup once polled people in 142 countries to respond to a series of statements designed to measure employee engagement—involving matters like their ...
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What Do You Want on Your Tombstone?
Some years ago, a frozen pizza company was trying to figure out an advertising campaign to bring attention to their product. They designed a series of ...
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Wealthy Man Leaves Pile of Rocks as Legacy
Godfrey Barnsley was one of the wealthiest men in the world in the early 1800s. He directed a shipping empire that sailed the world sea’s and transported ...
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