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Sermon Illustrations about Measuring ministry

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Measuring ministry to help bring your sermon to life.

Good Complexity vs. Bad Complexity

Skye Jethani writes, in Immeasurable, about good versus bad complexity in ministry. He illustrates it this way:

Bad complexity is like a Rube Goldberg ...

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Sheriff Roasted on Twitter for Puzzling Boulder Description

In late January, a nondescript Twitter account for the local sheriff’s office started receiving attention from around the nation after it issued ...

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How God Used a ‘Dead in the Water’ Sermon

One afternoon while walking through the Norfolk General Hospital, Dr. Hugh Litchfield heard his name being called from across the lobby. As a man approached, ...

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Max Lucado Temporarily Lost the Joy of the Lord

Author and Pastor Max Lucado reflected on his experience of losing the joy of the Lord to a spirit of gadgets and gauges. Lucado said:

For years I was ...

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The United States of Metrics

A New York Times article observes that Americans measure everything. It says, "In the last few years, there has been a revolution so profound that ...

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God Desires Diversity

The idea that success is measuring up to someone else's standard is a lie. ... God needs a diversity of people.

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