Sermon Illustrations about Media
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Media to help bring your sermon to life.
More Than Hardware
The visionaries of the electronic age have tended to only look at what it is possible for the new Age of Information to bring us, not what the probable ...
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Calling Good Bad, Bad Good
In the mass-media age, journalism is more than the transmission of neutral information: It traffics in the kind of information and spectacle calculated ...
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Words Worth Remembering?
Consider this paradox: Almost everything that is publicly said these days is recorded. Almost nothing of what is said is worth remembering.
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Excellent Compared to What?
I can't think of anything I do but what somebody I know does it better. Joe is more disciplined to exercise, Bob plays better golf, Hymman is more ...
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Information-Age Preaching
Not even from the pulpit can an audio-visual man be addressed as if he were a Gutenberg man. That doesn't mean he can only be spoken to audio-visually. ...
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The Answer to Television
The answer [to television] is not censorship, but more citizenship in the corporate boardroom and more active families who will turn off the trash, boycott ...
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Christian Publishing
From the Christian perspective, the state of public morals has fallen to such low repute that the existence of such a phenomenon as religious publishing ...
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The Last Taboo?
If religion is the opiate of the masses, as Marx said, then why isn't Hollywood out peddling the stuff from every street corner? If movies were all ...
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Forget the Numbers
There never has been a power so dramatically opposed to Christianity as the daily press. Day in and day out the daily press does nothing but delude [people] ...
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Information Overload
[T]he very amount of information that computers make available threatens us with cognitive overload: overwhelmed with facts, people tend to mistake data ...
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