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Sermon Illustrations about Meditation

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Meditation to help bring your sermon to life.

Double-Clicking on Obedience

Ruben Roy is a managing director at Stifel Financial. He dialed in to hear the chief executive of a healthcare company discuss its latest results. During ...

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Rushing Through a Shallow Life

Religious and non-religious people alike think that many people are living shallow and superficial lives. They have noticed that many are rushing through ...

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Actress Prays to the ‘Karmic Force Behind Everything’

In a 2024 interview the actress Julia Fox was asked, “Do you meditate or journal or otherwise practice mindfulness?” She replied:

I don’t, ...

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Unofficial Aquarium Becomes Community Hangout

Brooklyn residents were in mourning in late October after a leaky fire hydrant was paved over by city workers. Over the previous summer, leaks from the ...

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Kids Learn to Tune Out Noise

If you are heading into Manhattan off the George Washington Bridge, you can't miss the cluster of four 32-story apartment buildings built right over ...

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Are Hypnotic YouTube Edits Getting Old?

There’s a particular trend that has come to dominate videos on social media. It’s called “retention editing,” because of its ability ...

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The False Path to Self-Improvement

An Aperture video goes into some depth as to how the promises of self-help and New Age teachings fail to deliver what the individual truly needs. The ...

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Tsundoku: Buying Books and Never Reading Them

Do you have a habit of picking up books that you never quite get around to reading? If this sounds like you, you might be unwittingly engaging in tsundoku ...

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Procrastinators Helped by Using ‘Monk Mode’

Cameron Perrin, a 26-year-old software engineer, talks about his experience with the productivity hack known as "monk mode:"

As a person who ...

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Finland Promotes Silence as Natural Resource

One icy night in March 2010, 100 marketing experts piled into the Sea Horse Restaurant in Helsinki. They had the modest goal of making a remote and medium-sized ...

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