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Sermon Illustrations about Membership

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Membership to help bring your sermon to life.

Marines Meet Recruiting Goals with Challenge Pitch

These are dark days for military recruiting.

The Army, Navy, and Air Force have tried almost everything in their power to bring in new people. They’ve ...

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A Body Can Only Survive If Its Members Work Together

Ron Bryce writes in “The Fingerprint of God“:

One day, as I assisted a surgeon, he had me reach into the patient's chest and turn his heart ...

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Eugene Peterson on Need for Community

"There can be no maturity in the spiritual life, no obedience in following Jesus, no wholeness in the Christian life, apart from an immersion in, ...

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The Origin of 'Skin in the Game'

According to one story (which may be a legend), in the late 1960s, the now-iconic investor Warren Buffet pried seed money for his very first stock fund ...

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Too Much Talent Hurts Sports Teams

When it comes to winning games, most pro sports teams go after talented players. Everyone wants a team of stars. But a new research study published in ...

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An Apology Letter to the Local Church

Katelyn Beaty wrote a creative, semi-humorous, but deeply moving piece titled, "An Open Apology to the Local Church." Beaty's letter isn't ...

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Gym Memberships and Absentee Members

Every January, millions of Americans, brimming with optimism and a little extra belly from the holidays, commemorate the New Year by making an unfamiliar ...

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Criticizing the Church Is like Criticizing a Man's Wife

Imagine this scenario: A man invites a friend into his home for dinner. They enjoy a delicious meal that the man's wife has graciously offered to ...

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Research Study Uncovers the "Ikea Effect'

A team of researchers from three universities have identified a phenomenon that they call "The Ikea Effect." The name derives from the love ...

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Christians Can Give Church the "Tourist Treatment"

Elyse Fitzpatrick writes in her book “Because He Loves Me”:

A number of years ago, my husband and I had the wonderful opportunity to vacation ...

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