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Sermon Illustrations about Memorial Day

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Memorial Day to help bring your sermon to life.

Did Humans Ever Live in Peace?

In an article in The Atlantic, Ross Andersen raises the question: "Did Humans Ever Live in Peace?"

Archeologists have long had evidence of conflict ...

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Marines Meet Recruiting Goals with Challenge Pitch

These are dark days for military recruiting.

The Army, Navy, and Air Force have tried almost everything in their power to bring in new people. They’ve ...

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A Hero of Midway Finally Got His Due

Though he played a vital role in the U.S. victory over Japan in World War II, Navy Capt. Joseph Rochefort and his heroics long went unrecognized. Rochefort, ...

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Army Vet Gets Reward—80 Years Later

In June 2022, 97-year-old William Kellerman finally got the medal the army failed to give him 80 years earlier. Mr. Kellerman was 18 years old when he ...

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What Do You Want on Your Tombstone?

Some years ago, a frozen pizza company was trying to figure out an advertising campaign to bring attention to their product. They designed a series of ...

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People Find Late Loved Ones on Google Maps

For years, Google Maps has offered Street View. Street View stitches together panoramic camera images to recreate a digital facsimile of the real world ...

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The Routine Miseries of American Soldiers

A small glimpse into what our heroic war veterans went through can be found in the seven-part Ken Burns documentary The War. It covers World War II from ...

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Chaplains Lay Down Their Lives for Others

During World War II, a US Army Transport Ship carrying 902 servicemen was struck by a German submarine. Panic and chaos quickly set in as men raced for ...

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Controversy Surrounding Use of Autonomous Weapons

At a United Nations gathering, delegates from both Ukraine and Russia disagreed fiercely on how the meeting should proceed. But the gathering was not ...

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The Last Lecture

Back in 2007, computer science professor Randy Pausch delivered a lecture at Carnegie Mellon University. He called the lecture “Really Achieving ...

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