Sermon Illustrations about Mercy
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Mercy to help bring your sermon to life.
Celebrating ‘Good Riddance’ Day
Saying farewell to yesterday might be a challenge for some, but not for the numerous New Yorkers who bid a traditional farewell to 2023 in Times Square ...
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Small Coins Put Together Add Up to a Treasure
At a waste-management facility in Morrisville, Pa., workers load incinerated trash into industrial machinery that separates and sorts metals, then sends ...
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The Mercy Shop
Imagine an old European city with narrow cobbled streets and storefronts as old as the city itself. One of those weathered storefronts has a sign hanging ...
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Judge Offers Redemption Over Incarceration
By the year 2000, Judge John Phillips had long since lost count of the number of minors he had sent through the California penitentiary system for crimes ...
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Abused Woman Weeps at Beauty Compliment
You've never heard of Tanuja Ghale. She's a fellow believer, salon owner, and evangelist in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. One day she saw a ...
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What Can I Do to Help You?
Mike Huddleston was traveling for a training. He had flown from Maryland to San Francisco and needed to get to a rental car agency. But because of a degenerative ...
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Electrician Traces Success to Lenient Judge
Tom Hallman, Jr., a reporter for The Oregonian, recently chronicled a young man’s turnaround in the daily newspaper, highlighting the pivotal nature ...
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Gang Member Forgives Rival Who Paralyzed Him
Tim Keller, told the following story about a man named Hasheem Garrett, who learned the art of forgiveness. Hashim was a 15-year-old, living with his ...
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Burger King Order Provides Normalcy in Prison
As a result of a streak of good behavior, over one thousand inmates from the Snake River Correctional Institution were served dinner from a local Burger ...
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The Power of Unexpected Forgiveness
Amber Guyger is a former Dallas police officer who has been found guilty of murdering Botham Jean. The case became a national story because of the circumstances ...
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