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Sermon Illustrations about Mercy of God

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Mercy of God to help bring your sermon to life.

The Mercy Shop

Imagine an old European city with narrow cobbled streets and storefronts as old as the city itself. One of those weathered storefronts has a sign hanging ...

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God Is Not Out to Get You

In an issue of CT magazine Pastor Jeremy Treat writes:

My high-school basketball coach was a classic, old-school screamer who motivated with fear and shame. ...

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Motorists Grab ‘Free’ Cash

Just outside Carlsbad, CA, a chaotic scene unfolded as several cars stopped in the middle of the I-5 freeway to grab money that spilled out. At 9:15 a.m., ...

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He Escaped from Iran but Not from God

In an issue of CT magazine, David Nasser shares the story of his escape from Iranian religious zealotry and coming to faith in Christ:

I was nine Wyears ...

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God’s Mercy to a Klansman

Thomas Tarrants shares his testimony of being a former hate-filled Klansman who was saved by God’s grace:

I came of age in the early 1960s in Mobile, ...

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Inmate’s Amazed Joy on Coming Home After Years in Prison

What's it like to walk free again after years behind bars? Lee Horton and his brother Dennis know the feeling. They were convicted of robbery and ...

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Library Book Returned After 32 Years

Via their Twitter account, the St. John Fisher Catholic High School of Peterborough posted a picture of a book that was returned to its library. How long ...

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Refusing to Believe Answered Prayer

Author Anne Bokma left her fundamentalist Christian church in her 20s. She recently spent a full year investigating and experimenting with numerous forms ...

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Secular Historian on a Clear Benefit from the Resurrection

The historian Paul Veyne calls himself an "unbeliever," and yet he extols the message of human dignity that we find in the sacrificial love ...

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Good Samaritan Returns Lost Wallet and Adds Money to It

When Hunter Shamatt lost his wallet, he had little hope he’d get it back, certainly not with interest. But he did. Hunter was on the way from South ...

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