Sermon Illustrations about Miracles of Jesus
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Miracles of Jesus to help bring your sermon to life.
What Would it Take for A Humanist to Believe in God?
Douglas Murray is a prolific humanist writer and social critic who has authored two bestselling books. He finds himself in the odd position of being a ...
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Miracles Aren’t Ruled Out By Science
In talks on university campuses, Christian physicist and MIT professor Ian Hutchinson asks “Can a scientist believe in miracles?” (He’s ...
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Doctors Find 27 Contact Lenses in Woman's Eye
A 67-year-old woman scheduled for routine cataract surgery thought it was just dry eye and old age causing her discomfort. But the real cause of her discomfort ...
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How to Define a Miracle
What is a miracle? Webster's dictionary defines a miracle as an "extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs." ...
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Magazine Claims We Know Miracles Don't Happen
In an article in The New Yorker about faith and belief, Adam Gopnik made the following confident statement: "We know … that in the billions ...
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Researchers Identify 'The Perception of Incongruity'
In 1949, researchers asked a group of students at Ivy League schools to perform a simple task: identify playing cards. There were just two catches. First, ...
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Scientist Guesses Jesus Walked on Patch of Ice
Did Jesus really walk on water? Or maybe he just surfed on a patch of ice. That's the conclusion of a 2006 scientific article published in everyone's ...
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Muslim Man Meets Jesus in an Ordinary Miracle
In an issue of Christianity Today, a Muslim man describes his commitment to follow Isa al Masih, Jesus the Messiah. Suprisingly, a rather "ordinary" ...
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Pray to Get Lost in God's Love
In the fall of 2000, doctors diagnosed Pastor Ed Dobson with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), an incurable and fatal disease. The doctors gave him two ...
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We Must Follow the Facts about Christ's Resurrection
After analyzing 600 pages worth of arguments for and against the historicity of Christ's resurrection, Dr. Michael R. Licona concludes that "a ...
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