Sermon Illustrations about Money
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Money to help bring your sermon to life.
Cemeteries Becoming Trendy Wedding Venues
The New York Times unearthed a surprising trend in the wedding industry: Many couples are now choosing cemeteries as wedding venues. It’s a way ...
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Gambling Away Our Lives
The cacophony of slot machines, dice rolls, and card shuffles is what usually comes to mind when people think of gambling. The more pervasive way to gamble ...
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Country Singer Leaving Nashville for Traveling Ministry
In the fall of 2023, singer Oliver Anthony got his big break in the music industry with his song “Rich Men North of Richmond,” a scathing ...
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Banana Sells For $6.2 Million
A piece of conceptual art titled "Comedian," created by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan, was recently auctioned for $6.2 million at Sotheby's ...
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Surprising Age Group Leads in Charitable Giving
The holidays are here, and plenty of people are thinking about the gifts they hope to receive. However, many Americans are also considering what they ...
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An Ordinary Guy’s Supreme Court Battle
The U.S. Supreme Court weighs in on a small number of cases, and most of the cases have national implications—except in the strange case of Stuart ...
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Education Employees Steal Trips from Homeless Youth
A report released by the New York City public school district alleges that school employees misused funds intended for homeless students' enrichment ...
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Childhood Love of Mail Replaced with Adult Fear of Mail
As 29-year-old Neha Wright checked her mailbox and brought in the latest batch of bills, she realized the moment had finally arrived: Her childhood love ...
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Small Coins Put Together Add Up to a Treasure
At a waste-management facility in Morrisville, Pa., workers load incinerated trash into industrial machinery that separates and sorts metals, then sends ...
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Boastful Tech Exec Bootlegs Rare Recording
Martin Shkreli, infamous for his pharmaceutical price gouging, has once again found himself in legal hot water. This time, the controversy surrounds his ...
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