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Sermon Illustrations about Morality

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Morality to help bring your sermon to life.

FBI Agent Critiques Justice System

Jana Monroe had a distinguished 22-year career in the FBI, including in the FBI Behavioral Science Unit. She knows in depth the disturbing depths of human ...

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U.S. Trust in Government Hits New Low

Americans' trust in government has hit an all-time low. But that lack of trust hasn't always been a part of the American experience. A chart published ...

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Gen Z Is Kissing Monogamy Goodbye

Generation Z isn’t convinced monogamy is the best relationship structure, and more than half of them are considering relationship styles long considered ...

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The De-moralization of American Culture

In his article “How America Got Mean,” David Brooks laments what he calls “the de-moralization of American culture.” Brooks notes ...

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How America Got Mean

Set adrift into the vast expanse of amorality, where do people turn? Where within modern society can one find a moral compass that imbues life with meaning? ...

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An Atheist’s Dilemma

In an issue of CT magazine, author Jordan Monge shares her journey from atheism to faith in Christ. She writes:

I don’t know when I first became ...

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40% of Evangelicals Say the Dead Have Visited Them

In the summer of 2023, Heather Beville felt something she hadn’t in a long time: a hug from her sister Jessica, who died at age 30 from cancer. ...

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Jeopardy Contestants Ignorant of Lord’s Prayer

Jeopardy fans were furious after the contestants on an episode failed to answer a “simple” question about the Lord's Prayer during the ...

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Are Ride-Sharing Ratings Fake?

Ride sharing apps (like Uber and Lyft) ratings have become almost meaningless. A recent report says, “Confusion over what constitutes 5-star behavior ...

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People Trust Ghosts More Than Government

Just how bad are the polls for those in political office right now? It turns out more people are putting their faith in the dead than in living politicians. ...

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