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Sermon Illustrations about Motivation

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Motivation to help bring your sermon to life.

Downward Mobility

Everything in me wants to move upward. Downward mobility with Jesus goes radically against my inclinations, against the advice of the world surrounding ...

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The History of Truth

The example of noble deaths such as the Spartans and others hardly move us, for we do not see what good it is to us. But the example of the deaths of ...

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Combatants Can't Motivate

Combatants win occasional battles but seldom motivate lasting change.

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A Holy Truism

It is a common temptation of Satan to make us give up the reading of the Word and prayer when our enjoyment is gone; as if it were of no use to read the ...

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Conversion Is the Ultimate Power

In Russia, in 1989, the number-one graduate-study subject was conversion, but not from a Christian or spiritual point of view. They understood the political ...

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The Tough Part

It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference.

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The Mystery of Motivation

The mysterious internal combustion called motivation is sustained when you know you are important to a worthy cause.

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What Does "No" Mean?

One of the most common frustrations encountered by the person seeking to enlist volunteers is to receive what appears to be a categorical "No!" ...

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All to the Glory

I believe the religion of Christ covers the whole man. Why shouldn't a man play baseball or lawn-tennis? ... Don't imagine that you have got to ...

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The Money or the Principle?

When a fellow says, "It isn't the money but the principle of the thing" -- it's the money.

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