Sermon Illustrations about Name
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Name to help bring your sermon to life.
Mass Graves on Hart Island: He Knows Us All by Name
Hart Island is found a little way off the coast of Long Island. Nobody lives on Hart Island. It is the home, though, of a million bodies—bodies ...
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Parents Are Using Social Media to Pick a Baby’s Name
New parents are having a tough time naming their offspring. For starters, the baby’s name has to be freely available on social media. Before the ...
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Human 'Computer' Honored in NASA Facility Renaming
A NASA facility in West Virginia was recently renamed in honor of West Virginia native Katherine Johnson, who played a pivotal role in the first US mission ...
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‘Marijuana Pepsi’ Earns Doctorate with Dissertation on Uncommon Names
Snicker all you want; Marijuana Pepsi Vandyck has heard all the jokes anyway. Not only is the performance coach, teacher, and mother unashamed of her ...
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The Power of Our Identity in Christ
In his book Identity Matters, Christian author Terry Wardle tells a story from his childhood. Terry had a hand-me-down, fixed-up, big, blue girl's ...
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14th Child Gets Unusual Middle Name
A bountiful Michigan family added another boy to their clan, but what everyone's talking about is his unusual middle name.
Kateri and Jay Schwandt ...
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Cruise Line Trades Free Cruise for Snapchat Handle
Residents of a sleepy central Virginia town were surprised in March by a coordinated campaign to identify and woo one of their local teenagers.
Carnival ...
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And You Shall Be Called Lanesra
Choosing a baby name can be difficult. Do you go simple or rare? How many baby name books have you read through? Well, an Australian couple had a daughter, ...
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Names Shape People's Destinies
NYU professor Adam Alter has observed the power names have to shape destiny. The technical name is "nominative determinism," which literally ...
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Man 'Steals' from Store Called 'Finders Keepers'
Ruben Pavon was driving down the road in Derry, New Hampshire when a store caught his eye. It was a large building with lots of stuff out front just sitting ...
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