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Sermon Illustrations about Neglect

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Neglect to help bring your sermon to life.

A Cautionary Song for Fathers

Harry Chapin’s song “Cat's in the Cradle” topped the US Billboard charts in 1974. The song was so popular it was inducted into the ...

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Leonardo Da Vinci - The Great Procrastinator

Leonardo da Vinci is widely considered one of the most diversely talented individuals ever to have lived. As an artist, he is known for The Last Supper ...

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Son Regrets Not Saying More While Dad Was Alive

The song The Living Years by Mike +The Mechanics was released in 1988 and became a worldwide hit. It was nominated for four Grammy awards and was written ...

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Winston Churchill Was Unloved by His Father

R. Kent Hughes writes:

There are some fathers who are sarcastic and constantly criticize their sons. I think of a certain little boy when I coached soccer. ...

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All-Star Bo Jackson’s Emotionally Distant Father

There is the kind of dad who is stable and consistent, who provides for his family, who wouldn't dream of abandoning or abusing his family—but ...

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The Risk of Falling

The risk of falling should be obvious. It is so obvious that it has become an established part of the legal system. In a recent civil case, an appeals ...

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Failing to Pause for Fuel

Author Lillian Guild tells an amusing story of an occasion when she and her husband were driving along and happened to notice a late-model Cadillac with ...

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The Coming End of Christian America

America is still a "Christian nation," if the term simply means a majority of the population will claim the label when a pollster calls. But, ...

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The Woman Who Was Too Busy for Christmas

The Italians have a legend about a woman named Befana who lived along the dusty road that led to Bethlehem. She was her village’s best housekeeper. ...

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Bruce Springsteen's Deepest Yearning

Bruce Springsteen’s father cast a long and mostly dark shadow over his life, said Michael Hainey in Esquire. Springsteen admits that his entire ...

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