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Sermon Illustrations about Negligence

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Negligence to help bring your sermon to life.

Son Regrets Not Saying More While Dad Was Alive

The song The Living Years by Mike +The Mechanics was released in 1988 and became a worldwide hit. It was nominated for four Grammy awards and was written ...

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Gender Reveal Party Marred by Accidental Death

Friends and relatives of the Kreimeyer family gathered for a gender reveal party. But tragedy struck when the improvised explosive device accidentally ...

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Bad Preaching Is More Deadly than Bad Surgery

In his essay "Sinsick," theologian Stanley Hauerwas explores the notion of authority using a medical analogy. If a medical student told his ...

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The Worst Mother's Day Gifts and Cards

According to a British survey, 40 percent of moms have received an unwanted Mother's Day gift, but most of them were too polite to complain. Here's ...

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Chief Rabbi: When Judaism Is Easy People Lose Faith

Jonathan Sacks, the former Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, once referenced what he called the "counter-intuitive phenomena of Jewish history"—a ...

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Shepherd Falls Asleep While Sheep Cause Nuisance

The Telegraph, a British newspaper reported that a flock of over 1,300 sheep "had to be rounded up by police in the Spanish city of Huesca after ...

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Young Artist Sees People in Whole New Light

In his book My Name Is Asher Lev, Chaim Potok's main character is an awakening artist, beginning to see the world with a different perspective. The ...

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The Runaway Bus Driver Who Made History

On Friday March 28, 1947, at 6:55 A.M., Bronx bus driver William Cimillo got into his bus to start his daily route. But then something happened. He decided ...

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Distracted People Miss Clown on Unicycle

As [one researcher has] described it, our brain blinds our mind to the unusual. For instance, in one study, researchers put a clown on a unicycle in the ...

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Young Doctors Trained at an Art Gallery

Dr. Irwin Braverman, a dermatologist and director of medical residents at Yale medical school, was concerned about his students' power of attention. ...

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