Sermon Illustrations about New Age
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on New Age to help bring your sermon to life.
Big Tech’s Crisis of Conscience
The Esalen Institute is a retreat center founded in 1962 and is a three-hour drive south of San Francisco. In the 1960’s this is where Aldous Huxley ...
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New Age College Professor Radically Changed by Christ
Professor Mary Poplin from Claremont Graduate School says she met Jesus in a dream. At the time, she was teaching radical feminism, multiculturalism, ...
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Why Millennials Are Ditching Religion for Witchcraft and Astrology
Interest in spirituality has been booming in recent years while interest in religion plummets, especially among millennials. More than half of young adults ...
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Actress Jessica Alba Rejects Hell and God's Judgment
The magazine Vanity Fair published an article on the actress Jessica Alba, which had the following paragraph on Alba's faith and views on God:
Alba's ...
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Psychic Says He's a Helpful Fraud
In his book Psychic Blues: Confessions of a Conflicted Medium, psychic Mark Edward offers some fascinating thoughts on the hunger in our culture for community ...
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The Spiritual Quest Sometimes Resembles a Burrito Bar
There's a pervasive approach to the spiritual life in our culture that I would simply call "The Religion of Chipotle."
Now, if you love Chipotle, ...
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South African Church Offers Praise in the Midst of Tragedy
In his talk entitled "The Sense of an Ending," Jeremy Begbie tells a story about attending a worship service in a poor South African township. ...
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Headless Snake Points to Satan's Demise
As a kid, I loved Mission Sundays, when missionaries on furlough brought special reports in place of a sermon …. There is one visit I've never ...
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Church Shows Love to New Age Visitor
Pastor Clark Cothern tells this story to illustrate how God speaks to us through his Word:
A self-appointed New Age guru glided into our church wearing ...
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Beethoven Unknowingly Poisoned Himself
In 2000, an Illinois scientist named William Walsh studied strands of hair from the body of famous classical composer Ludwig Van Beethoven. By studying ...
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