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Sermon Illustrations about New Creation

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on New Creation to help bring your sermon to life.

Stephen Colbert's DNA Rocketed into Space

Think the end of the world. For some that is a bunch of science fiction nonsense, but for others the idea that humanity could someday be wiped out by ...

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Girl's Change in Blood Type Deemed Miraculous

In January, 2008, a story made the rounds about a 15-year-old girl in Australia named Demi-Lee Brennan. Brennan became the world's first known transplant ...

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"Charlotte's Web": The Perfect Word

Charlotte's Web is the story of a pig named Wilbur (Dominic Scott Kay). Wilbur is scared of the end of the season, because he knows he's going ...

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Burial Leads to New Life

Object Lesson:

Display pots of soil, a watering can, and a seed packet.

I am going to plant seeds in these pots. Over the next few weeks as we see them ...

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Returning to "Go"

The oft-enjoyed game of "Monopoly" has one card that is discovered occasionally when someone lands on "Chance": "Return to 'Go'-collect ...

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The Creator Is the Recreator

As a little boy, awestruck by the mystery of change in a man's very nature, I asked Father to explain it. "All I can say is that it is the power ...

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The Possibility of Conversion

The possibility of sudden change or sudden conversion is one of the most relevant topics in almost every area of human endeavor. The psychologist and ...

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