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Sermon Illustrations about New life

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on New life to help bring your sermon to life.

Classic Legal Definitions Define God's Grace

What does it mean when the Bible says that we have been pardoned by God? Here are two classic definitions from American legal history:

First, in 1833, ...

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No Other Explanation Than God’s Grace

In an issue of Christianity Today, Glenn Pearson shares the story of his journey to faith:

You’re probably familiar with the popular arcade game ...

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Refugee Revival

Dilli Lumjel gave his life to Jesus on May 4, 2011, at 1:33 a.m. Earlier that day, he had performed a Hindu funeral service for his father-in-law in a ...

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A Relational Example of Rescuing the Lost

Author Nijay Gupta recounts the 1965-1966 story of a group of six boys who ran away from their homeland of Tonga.

The young boys stole a boat and headed ...

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Sociologist Extols Positive Work of Christian Missionaries

Sociologist Robert Woodberry has identified a robust statistical correlation between “conversionary Protestant” missionary activity and the ...

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Catastrophe or Catalyst?

In an issue of CT Pastors Kelli Trujillo writes:

As we drove through northern Arizona’s Coconino National Forest during our family road trip this ...

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Evangelicalism Growing in Central America

Evangelicalism is now the largest religious demographic in Central America, according to a poll of about 4,000 people in five countries. More than a third ...

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Humdrum Hallelujah

In an issue of CT magazine, Megan Hill tells her unremarkable conversion story which initially left her with doubts of its genuineness.

Megan has no memory ...

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A Sweet, Soft Voice Saved His Life

Eduardo Rocha shares his dramatic testimony in an issue of CT magazine:

It was March 13, 1986, I was all alone and getting high. But I had also gotten ...

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He Was a Drug-Fueled Rock and Roller

Rock and Roller Benjamin Budde grew up a small-town country boy in Ohio in a Christian home. He often heard the gospel and remembers asking Jesus into ...

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