Sermon Illustrations about Omnipotence of God
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Omnipotence of God to help bring your sermon to life.
Eugene Peterson on Our Dangerous Faith
Sometimes I think that all religious sites should be posted with signs reading, "Beware the God." The places and occasions that people gather ...
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Telltale Signs of Picasso's Art
In his book The Cell's Design: How Chemistry Reveals the Creator's Artistry, Fanzale Rana gives the following account of the approach used to ...
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Providential Band-Aids Prevent Pirate Theft
In the first half of 2009, news reports poured in of pirate vessels attacking vital shipping lanes along the coast of Somalia in southern Africa. Entire ...
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Why We Need Earthquakes
Editor's note: Though you might not be persuaded by the information below, it still has great illustrative potential. D'Souza's article might ...
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Finding God in Iraq
In 1993, Lt. Col. Gary Morsch joined the Army Reserves as a doctor to care not only for U.S. soldiers, but also for wounded civilians and prisoners of ...
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Soldier Experiences Protective Hand of God
While serving in Iraq, Courtney Birdsey experienced the protective hand of God, forever changing her. She says:
On one of [our] missions, my unit made ...
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A Lesson About Spiritual Warfare from Alexander the Great
We can actually learn a lot about some of Satan's strategies in spiritual warfare by studying the military strategies of some of the warriors of old. ...
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The God of Exodus and Easter
The gospel message says: "You don't live in a mechanistic world ruled by necessity; you don't live in a random world ruled by chance; you ...
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God Brings Good out of Evil
The omnipotent God, primal power of the world, being himself supremely good, could not permit anything evil in his works, were he not so all-powerful ...
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Judgment Is Good News
The word judgment carries negative overtones for a good many people in our liberal and postliberal world. We need to remind ourselves that throughout ...
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