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Sermon Illustrations about Omniscience of God

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Omniscience of God to help bring your sermon to life.

Scientists Are Struggling to Understand the Universe

University of Oxford professor of astrophysics Pedro Ferreira is puzzled, as most physicists are, about the origins and basic elements of the universe. ...

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Intel Predicts the Future

Intel employed a futurist named Brian David Johnson whose was to determine what life would be like ten to fifteen years in the future. Johnson was the ...

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Future Predictions for the Year 2000

In the year 1900, a German chocolate company released 12 postcards predicting what life would be like 100 years in the future. So how close were they ...

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Things They Thought They Left Behind

In Thailand, government officials have set in motion an unusual plan to curb littering in the nation’s Khao Yai National Park. Environment minister ...

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We Are Not the Church of Chicken Little

It would be tempting, as the calendar (changes to) 2021, to view 2020 as a nightmare that will soon pass and quickly be forgotten. Take a mulligan year ...

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Even At 94-Years of Age, Your Sins Will Find You Out

The arrest of a 94-year-old man living for so many decades on a quiet street in Oak Ridge, Tennessee was a wakeup call for the man's neighbors. They ...

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The Wishing Tree

In northeast Portland, Oregon, hope takes the form of a horse chestnut tree. It grows on the corner of Morris Street and 7th Avenue, and its branches ...

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Mass Graves on Hart Island: He Knows Us All by Name

Hart Island is found a little way off the coast of Long Island. Nobody lives on Hart Island. It is the home, though, of a million bodies—bodies ...

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Drug Traffickers Caught with Novelty ‘Bag Full of Drugs’

Florida Highway Patrol troopers were surprised and delighted to find that the alleged drug traffickers they pulled over had made their jobs so much easier ...

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Atheist Fears the Removal of Religion

Speaking to The Times, Richard Dawkins said he fears the removal of religion would be a bad idea for society because it would give people “license ...

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