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Sermon Illustrations about Omniscience

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Omniscience to help bring your sermon to life.

The Sum of Human Knowledge Would Fit into Your Local Walmart

When we compare the sum of human knowledge today with what it was just 100 years ago, we are sometimes tempted to think ourselves advanced. Collectively, ...

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Even At 94-Years of Age, Your Sins Will Find You Out

The arrest of a 94-year-old man living for so many decades on a quiet street in Oak Ridge, Tennessee was a wakeup call for the man's neighbors. They ...

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Mass Graves on Hart Island: He Knows Us All by Name

Hart Island is found a little way off the coast of Long Island. Nobody lives on Hart Island. It is the home, though, of a million bodies—bodies ...

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Atheist Fears the Removal of Religion

Speaking to The Times, Richard Dawkins said he fears the removal of religion would be a bad idea for society because it would give people “license ...

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Arizona Man Busted for Skeleton in HOV Lane

If you try to cheat the system by riding solo in the HOV lanes, the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) will have a bone to pick with you. That’s ...

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Researchers Claim Emotional Recognition AI Doesn't Work

The AI Now Institute of New York University is sounding the alarm about the dangers of artificial intelligence in the workplace. But unlike the typical ...

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Gang Leader Caught Impersonating Daughter in Escape Attempt

In a recent attempt to escape prison, a Brazilian drug trafficker’s plan was likely inspired by the Mission Impossible series and other similar ...

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You Can’t Hide

A pair of thieves probably thought they had gotten away with it after they broke into a Santa Clara, Calif., company and carried off a box of goods. But ...

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Our Reluctance to Say 'I Don't Know'

In their book Think Like a Freak, economists Steven Levitt and Stephan Dubner state, "It has long been said that the three hardest words to say in ...

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Is Our "Info-glut Culture" Becoming Wiser?

The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world. The Library of Congress was established by an act of Congress in 1800. In 1815 the Library ...

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