Sermon Illustrations about Oppression
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Oppression to help bring your sermon to life.
Sins of the Rich: Liberal Hypocrisy Exposed
The rich talk a good game but often don’t live up to their convictions. Many affluent Americans whose politics are on the liberal left are being ...
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Ukrainian-Americans Worship God Despite War
New York City has the largest Ukrainian population in the United States, a community of about 150,000. Thousands had come to the United States as Christian ...
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Women Demand Justice for Immigrant Sister’s Death
Wayomi and Poornima Rathnayake are trying to shine a light onto negligence and corruption in the Japanese immigration system after their older sister ...
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A Carol for the Despairing
“I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day” is a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, later set to music. It was written over the Christmas of either ...
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Coder Experiences Transformation from Addiction to Advocacy
Software engineer Cher Scarlett is helping to shine a light on discrimination and sexual harassment at Apple, where she works. In an interview Scarlett ...
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Jay Leno Pretends to Be Boy’s Uncle
A kid was bullied at school because he pretended that the talk show host, Jay Leno, was his uncle. When Leno learned this, he tracked the kid down and ...
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Stealing Is Wrong Whether by Individual or Corporation
Adam Johnson wants readers to know there is more than what they can see in trends related to crime and public safety. Writing in the San Francisco Chronicle, ...
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Creep Thwarted by Bartender Assisting Woman in Peril
When bartender Max Gutierrez usually hands one of his patrons a slip of paper on a small clipboard, that usually signals the end of their interaction. ...
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Presidential Art Exhibit Generates Immigration Discussion
Recently, CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell traveled to Prairie Chapel Ranch to visit with former president George W. Bush and his wife Laura. ...
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A Defeated General Claims His Victory
General Jonathan Wainwright was captured by the Japanese, he was held prisoner in a concentration camp. Cruelly treated, he became "a broken, crushed, ...
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