Sermon Illustrations about Orphans
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Orphans to help bring your sermon to life.
Christmas in a Foreign Country
Ryan and Morgan, adopted a child from an orphanage in another country. They'd passed through all the legal processes in that country. Charlie was ...
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High School Freshmen ‘Translate’ the Beatitudes
Dr. Emily McGowin, assistant professor of theology, at Wheaton College writes:
When I taught high school, one of my favorite assignments was having my ...
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Former Orphan Shares Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Story
Livia Satterfield Young was a 12-year-old girl in a Romanian orphanage when her life was changed--forever--by an Operation Christmas Child shoebox. (Operation ...
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Fearful Adopted Child Finds Unconditional Love
In a skills article for Preaching Today, David Prince writes:
I know a family who adopted an older child from an unspeakably horrific orphanage in another ...
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Korean Church Rescues Abandoned Children
The documentary film, The Drop Box, tells the remarkable story of Lee Jong-Rak, pastor of Jusarang (God's Love) Community Church in Seoul, South Korea. ...
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86-Year-Old Man Raises $400,000 Over 30 Years for a Children's Home
When Johnny Jennings of Ringgold, Georgia was 18, he made a life-changing visit to a Georgia Baptist children's home. Several children ran up to him ...
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NFL Star Describes the Mentors Who Helped Him
Professional football player Demaryius Thomas' mother was arrested and sent to prison when Thomas was only 11. "[At the time] my father was in ...
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Man Must Love a Single Mom's Son
Imagine a single mom. Her eleven-year-old loves baseball. Personally, she doesn't care about baseball, but because her son loves it, she hasn't ...
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Vulnerable Girls in Ethiopia Run to the Church for Safety
While Paul Knight, a pastor from Grand Forks, North Dakota, was visiting Fiche, Ethiopia, he had the chance to meet the little girl his family had been ...
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"Contact": Searching for God
Contact is a science fiction movie that explores the possibility of extraterrestrial life and the inevitability of faith even in a world governed by scientific ...
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