Sermon Illustrations about Outreach
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Outreach to help bring your sermon to life.
Refugee Revival
Dilli Lumjel gave his life to Jesus on May 4, 2011, at 1:33 a.m. Earlier that day, he had performed a Hindu funeral service for his father-in-law in a ...
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Sociologist Extols Positive Work of Christian Missionaries
Sociologist Robert Woodberry has identified a robust statistical correlation between “conversionary Protestant” missionary activity and the ...
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Evangelicalism Growing in Central America
Evangelicalism is now the largest religious demographic in Central America, according to a poll of about 4,000 people in five countries. More than a third ...
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Take Me to Church
LifeWay Research surveyed 2,000 Americans who do not attend church on what would draw them to one. Among the findings:
Method Of Invite
51% a personal invitation ...
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Observing the World from Behind Closed Curtains
When Krish Kandiah was young, growing up in the United Kingdom, his family could always count on their next-door neighbor, Mrs. Oglive, to be around. ...
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Woman Gives Favorite Shoes to Man with Boxes on His Feet
The manager of a Minnesota store was surprised to come back from lunch to find his counterhelp walking around in her socks. That’s because security ...
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The Gospel According to Clean Laundry
Some come with track marks from years of drug abuse. Others come with children in tow. Some are struggling through a bad week. Others, a bad decade. All ...
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God Was Their Deliverer
As a child, Juliet Liu Waite and her sisters would plead with their aunt to tell them the story of their escape from Saigon, South Vietnam. The story ...
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The Dream Home Is Dead
U.S. cities were shedding people steadily even before the pandemic. According to Postal Service data, 15.9 million Americans filed a change-of-address ...
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Woman Waves Red Sari to Warn Train
A brave woman may have saved hundreds of lives in India by waving her red sari to stop a train—after spotting broken tracks further down the line. ...
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