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Sermon Illustrations about Ownership

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Ownership to help bring your sermon to life.

Jesus Is Your New Landlord

Think of yourself as living in an apartment house. You live there under a landlord who has made your life miserable. He charges you exorbitant rent. When ...

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Family Reunited with Their Lost Dog After a Whole Year

Three years ago, Debra Mejeur and her husband Steven took Lola on a trip to Elk Grove, a suburb of Chicago, to visit friends. Then they received a call ...

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A Christian's Body is on Loan from God

To illustrate the truth that the Christian's body is no longer their own, pastor/author Ray Ortlund writes the following:

I try to drive carefully. ...

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"Toy Story": Belonging to God

In Disney's animated movie Toy Story, Woody (a plush toy cowboy) confronts Buzz Lightyear (a toy astronaut) with the fact that he is only an action ...

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Giving Back to God

I just bought a used car. I need to get a license plate bracket that says, "Given by God, owned by God, and to be used for the purposes of God." ...

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Bearing the Markings of Christ

A shepherd owns the sheep and marks them. In some cases, sheep are branded. Although some sheep are branded, that's really not a popular thing because ...

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