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Sermon Illustrations about Paradise

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Paradise to help bring your sermon to life.

Happiness Guru Never Found His Own Happiness

Tony Hsieh (pronounced “Shay”) wanted to promote happiness and world peace. The brilliant business guru took over Zappos soon after it was ...

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Science Can't Provide Solution for the Deepest Need of the Heart

Consider this comment a girl posted on an atheist website:

I'm confused ... I always believed science would be the cure-all for my problems, but I ...

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The Universal Desire for a Happy Ending

In their book, The God Conversation, Moreland and Muehlhoff illustrate the universal desire for a story to have a happy ending:

"And they lived happily ...

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The Joys in Heaven Go on Forever

This world and its history are prelude and foretaste; all the sunrises and sunsets, symphonies and rock concerts, feasts and friendships are but whispers. ...

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How You'd Live after a Peek into Heaven

Author Peter Kreeft asks us to imagine the day when sin, death, and evil are finally defeated by Christ:

Suppose God took you on a crystal ball trip into ...

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'Time' Magazine Letter to the Editor Claims Heaven Will Be Dull

In April 2012 Time magazine ran a cover story titled "Heaven Can't Wait: Why rethinking the hereafter could make the world a better place." ...

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After a Long Sailboat Race, Announcer Welcomes Racers Home

Ever since he was a kid, Bob Goff had a dream to sail across the Pacific Ocean to Hawaii. So Bob and four of his buddies entered the Transpac Race, a ...

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A Camping Trip Points to Our Longing for Heaven

Paul David Tripp states that the Bible says that the impermanence of life on earth is like dwelling in tents. Tripp writes:

Most of us have no pilgrim ...

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Physical Hunger Parallels Our Desire for God's Presence

Author Frederica Mathewes-Green addresses people who hunger for God's presence but rarely feel it—at least not in dramatic ways. She writes:

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A Faith That Does Not Shrink from Death

We have a faith that does not shrink from death. The fundamental concern of our faith is both to reveal with fearsome accuracy the nature of death, and ...

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