Sermon Illustrations about Pardon
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Pardon to help bring your sermon to life.
Karl Barth Retells Legend of the Saved Rider
Karl Barth preached regularly to the inmates of the prison in his hometown of Basel, Switzerland. Knowledge of that context adds poignancy to the sermons. ...
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Famous Chef Accepts Christ, Finds True Joy
NPR (National Public Radio) reported on a new deli in rural Maine with a hotshot chef behind the counter. "Foodies" may recognize the chef's ...
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Prisoners Share Stories About Their Freedom
New York magazine interviewed several former inmates and asked them to describe their first hours or day of freedom. These men had been wrongfully convicted, ...
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Condemned Man Can't Accept His Freedom
Walter McMillian was convicted of killing 18-year-old Ronda Morrison at a dry cleaner in Monroeville, Alabama in 1986. Three witnesses testified against ...
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Fugitive Becomes a New Man
George's Wright's life of crime started in 1962. On that fateful night, George and a buddy walked into Walter Patterson's gas station and ...
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Study Explores How We Deal with Guilt
Research published in the journal Psychological Science found that people's feelings of guilt are lessened after they experience pain.
Some volunteers ...
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Students Share Their Biggest Fear: "God Is Disappointed with Me"
Skye Jethani relates a story about holding a series of meetings with college-aged students. The topics ranged across the spectrum—doctrine, hell, ...
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A Manager Turns a Mistake into a Lesson on Kindness
The famous and luxurious Biltmore House in Asheville, North Carolina, was originally owned and managed by George and Edith Vanderbilt, an elegant couple ...
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A Former Convict Finally Enjoys His Freedom
A March, 2011, issue of The New York Times featured a story about a 51-year-old ex-convict named Robert Salzman. After a horrific childhood, Salzman spent ...
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Aunt Forgiven for Death of Nephew
In his book Free of Charge, author Miroslav Volf shares a personal story about the power of grace and forgiveness:
I was one then, and my five-year-old ...
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