Sermon Illustrations about Parenting
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Parenting to help bring your sermon to life.
Parents Ignore Advice on Screen Time for Children
Parents are bombarded with a dizzying list of orders when it comes to screen time and young children: No screens for babies under 18 months. Limit screens ...
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Anxiety Keeps 25% of Children Up at Night
For parents of young children, few things are as precious as a good night’s sleep—both for their child and for themselves. Yet many parents ...
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Two Very Different Ways to Be an Evangelist
Leader, author, and evangelist Leighton Ford wrote the following as he remembered his wife, Jean Graham Ford, and her brother, Billy.
“Don’t ...
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Dad Creates Videogame to Raise Fentanyl Awareness
Kamal Bherwani is on a mission to use his tragedy to prevent other parents from suffering. But rather than just making a public service announcement, ...
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The Five Best Toys of All Time
As Christmas approaches, too many parents will be competing to track down and purchase the latest and greatest toy that their child has set their heart ...
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Study Reveals Whom Children Really Trust
In a new study published in Computers in Human Behavior, a team evaluated 118 children aged three to six and found that overall, kids were more inclined ...
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Mom’s Dilemma: Healthy Food but Unhealthy Porn
Columnist Peggy Noonan wrote a sobering article based on the work of researcher Jonathan Haidt’s new book The Anxious Generation: How the Great ...
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The Myth of the Perfect Soulmate
The idea that we have the perfect soulmate has proved popular among young adults in the U.S. A 2011 poll found that 73% of Americans believed in a soulmate, ...
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Mom Facing Possible Charges After Son's Reckless Driving
A growing number of high-profile tragedies are leading to prosecutions of parents not for their actions, but for their failures to act. One such case ...
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Out With Play, In with Phone-Based Childhood
In his book, The Anxious Generation, author Jonathan Haidt confirms our worst fears about what happened to Generation Z, the first generation to go through ...
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