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Sermon Illustrations about Parenting, Single

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Parenting, Single to help bring your sermon to life.

Single Mom Stunned by Stranger’s Kindness

Ree is a single mom trying to navigate the rising cost of living, Ree has been feeling "stressed and upset" most days, with the battle only ...

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HS Football Players Shovel Neighbors’ Snow

The elderly, disabled, and working single parents are just some of the people on the receiving end of generosity in the South Hills of Pittsburgh. The ...

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18 Percent of Households Are Nuclear Families

The number of homes in America with the traditional “nuclear family” of a married couple with children is now the lowest it has been since ...

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America’s Mothers Are in Crisis: Is Anyone Listening to Them?

A recent New York Times article had the following title: “America’s Mothers Are in Crisis. Is anyone listening to them?” The article ...

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Mothers Feel Increasing Anxiety About Parenting

Tech writer Molly McHugh summarized why many mothers feel increasing anxiety about parenting. In short, McHugh writes, "The concept of 'It takes ...

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Children: God's Rewards

As a single parent with a full-time job and three young children, I often listen to Christian radio as an extra source of strength to cope with my day-to-day ...

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Third-Wave Family Structure

Futurologist Alvin Toffler has written an insightful book titled The Third Wave. Toffler suggests there are three eras, three periods of history, three ...

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