Sermon Illustrations about Parenting
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Parenting to help bring your sermon to life.
Children: God's Rewards
As a single parent with a full-time job and three young children, I often listen to Christian radio as an extra source of strength to cope with my day-to-day ...
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Tell Children about Sin
There is a widespread refusal to let children know that the source of much that goes wrong in life is due to our very own natures--the propensity of all ...
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When Children Owe Their Parents
I flew to Washington, D.C., a couple of weeks ago, and sitting beside me was a woman probably about 60 years of age. She saw me with my legal pad working ...
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The Process of Parenting
Both Eli and Samuel had disappointing results with their children. Yet, Jehovah punished one for his ineffective parenting and blessed the other. We need ...
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Third-Wave Family Structure
Futurologist Alvin Toffler has written an insightful book titled The Third Wave. Toffler suggests there are three eras, three periods of history, three ...
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Savoring the Moment
One blustery weekend I was strolling with my little boy on an Atlantic beach. We were scaling clamshells into the onshore wind and watching them curve ...
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Our Father Knows Best
Contrary to popular opinion, sin is not what you want to do but can't; it is what you should not do because it will hurt you--and hurt you bad. ... ...
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Parenting: Always a Surprise
Sometimes parenting can be like bungee jumping: you don't know what will happen until you reach the end of your rope!
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