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Sermon Illustrations about Passion

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Passion to help bring your sermon to life.

Actor Compares Movie Life to Real Life

I once heard an actor being interviewed on late-night television. "Tell me," said David Letterman. "You're a sex symbol who plays all ...

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William Carey's Dream

Some people thought he was a nut. He was just a shoemaker, after all, and an average one at that. But in the evenings, after work, he studied Greek, Hebrew, ...

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Taking Risks

In an article on old-time pickup softball games—where seniors in Naperville, Illinois, gather twice weekly to test their skills against one another—writer ...

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First Experience of Need

When you can go through contemporary life fudging and evading, indulging and slacking, never really hungry nor frightened nor passionately stirred--your ...

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Privileged Commission

It is our privilege to have world evangelism as a passion, not our responsibility to have as a burden.

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Misplaced Passion

The core problem is not that we are too passionate about bad things, but that we are not passionate enough about good things.

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Faith Without Passion

Very few of us [Christians] could say with Paul's conviction, "For me to live is Christ." If we experienced this as a transforming joy, ...

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