Sermon Illustrations about Peace
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Are Hypnotic YouTube Edits Getting Old?
There’s a particular trend that has come to dominate videos on social media. It’s called “retention editing,” because of its ability ...
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Songs Sound Engineers Use to Tune a Stereo
What's blasting from your car speakers, and more important, how does it sound? For sound-system engineers at the audio-equipment manufacturer Bose, ...
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Most Americans Yearn for a Pre-Internet World
A new poll has found 77% of middle-aged Americans between 35 and 54 years old want to return to a time before society was always “plugged in,” ...
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Stories of Kindness Ease Bad News
Kathryn Buchanan was driving to work when she heard horrific news on the radio: Twenty-two people were killed in a suicide bombing at an Ariana Grande ...
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Expert Says Young People Crave Stability
A business professor quoted in the Wall Street Journal noted how Gen Z is craving stability in the midst of anxiety.
Not long ago, a friend who teaches ...
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Shackleton Prioritized Scripture in the Antarctic
Ernest Shackleton is famous for leading the voyage of the Endurance and her crew to the Antarctic, and despite cataclysmic failure, leading his men out ...
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How A Husband and Wife Took Back Their Sundays
Freelance writer Jason Heller describes how he and his wife made a pact a few years ago:
Every Sunday, we swore to each other, we will abstain from work. ...
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Persevering Air Traveler Rewarded with Empty Plane
Conventional wisdom says that good things come to those who wait. That axiom rarely applies, however, to the drudgery of domestic air travel as most people ...
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Winston Churchill’s Wife Spoke the Truth in Love
In the early days of World War II, the stress of the war began to take its toll on Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister of England. His wife Clementine ...
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The Oregon Trail Taught One Pioneer About Sunday Rest
In May, 1853, Phoebe and her husband Holden Judson joined a covered wagon train near Kansas City hoping to reach Washington Territory by mid-October. ...
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