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Sermon Illustrations about Peer pressure

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Peer pressure to help bring your sermon to life.

The Only Kid in Class Without a Cell Phone

Kaylee and Mike Low have four children. When their oldest son, now aged 14, started asking for a cell phone back in the fourth grade, they both said no. ...

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NYC Declares Social Media a Health Hazard

New York City Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan, acting under the authority of mayor Eric Adams, recently issued a public health advisory designating social ...

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The Russian Who Averted a Nuclear War

October 27, 1962 was the day the world almost ended. One man, Vasily Arkhipov, displayed the virtue of self-control. He was the second in command of the ...

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FDA Warns Against NyQuil Chicken TikTok Challenge

Just when pandemic-related misinformation was started to recede from public awareness, the Food and Drug Administration had to recently issue a warning ...

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President Lincoln Wasn’t Tied to ‘Opinion Polls’

Wall Street Journal writer Joseph Epstein notes that the opinion poll has been around for more than a century. They gained authority in the 1940s with ...

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Player’s NFL Dreams Were Turning to Dust

Former NFL player, Miles McPherson describes his bondage to cocaine and deliverance by Christ:

I was a defensive back playing for the San Diego Chargers ...

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Demi Lovato: ‘Living for Affirmation Does Not Fill the Void in Our Heart’

Demi Lovato and the Australian singer/songwriter Sam Fisher recently collaborated on a piece titled “What Other People Say” that reveals this ...

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Tattoo Shop Offers to Cover Up Hate and Gang Symbols for Free

A tattoo parlor in Kentucky is using ink to unite communities across the country by offering free appointments to anyone who wants to cover up their hate ...

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8 In 10 Millennials Believe They Aren’t ‘Good Enough’

Fair or not, young adults have become a scapegoat of sorts for a myriad of societal problems and changes. What seems to be lost in this conversation is ...

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Hidden Camera Catches Man Yielding to Social Pressure

On August 10, 1948, a pioneering television producer named Allen Funt debuted a hidden-camera reality TV show called Candid Camera. The genius of the ...

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