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Sermon Illustrations about Penalty

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Penalty to help bring your sermon to life.

Feeling Guilty, Man Pays 44-Year-Old Parking Ticket

In Minersville, Pennsylvania a man cleared his conscience by paying a 44-year-old parking ticket. The Minersville Police Department received a letter ...

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Punishment is the Only Way to Remove Sin

In an article in Christianity Today magazine, Mark Galli notes how, deep down, the idea of punishment for sins actually makes sense to us. It is not arbitrary ...

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Man Attempts to Escape Arrest with Monopoly Playing Card

When playing the game of Monopoly, one of the best cards to have is the famous "Get Out of Jail Free" card—but when you're playing the game of "real ...

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Speeding Driver Gives Officer Questionable Excuse

When it comes to excuses, law enforcement officers tend to have heard them all. But recently two drivers came up with some novel excuses. When a driver ...

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The Two-Year-Old Litterbug in Washington D.C.

Two-year-old Harper Westover lives in Washington, D.C.—her parents "insist she's just the tidiest, most polite, and well-behaved toddler in the ...

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Weightlifter Killed by His Own Weights

David Little was known as a man of strength. This former linebacker for the Pittsburgh Steelers had an impressive career in the National Football League. ...

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When the Law Breaks the Law

Hurrying my 11-year-old daughter to school, I turned right on red where it was prohibited. "Uh, oh," I said, realizing my mistake. "I just ...

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What Price Danger?

No one can quantify the risk of transmission [of AIDS] in the population at large. But whether it is one in ten or one in 10,000 for a single encounter, ...

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