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Sermon Illustrations about Pentecost

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Pentecost to help bring your sermon to life.

The Utter Importance of the Ascension

Henry Drummond wrote:

Ascension … what if it didn't happen? Suppose Jesus had not gone away. Suppose he were here on earth NOW. Suppose he were ...

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Riding the Thermals of The Holy Spirit

Pastor David Hansen writes of our need to rely on the Holy Spirit:

I live near a river. Fish live in it, and the willowy river bottom is home to mice and ...

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What Does Filled with the Spirit Mean?

Andrew Wilson writes in an article for Christianity Today:

When you’re sailing, is “being filled with the wind” an experience or a habit? ...

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Learning to Soar in the Power of the Spirit

In his book, Life in the Presence of God, Kenneth Boa compares a soaring eagle to Christians learning to soar through the power of the Holy Spirit:

God ...

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A Sailboat Is Useless without Wind, So Is a Believer without the Spirit

Imagine that you've decided to go sailing. The problem is that you know next to nothing about sailing. So you to the store and you purchase several ...

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The Holy Spirit Acts Like a Broken Hip

Someone (J.D. Grear) has said that many of us think that the Holy Spirit is like our pituitary gland. You know it's there, you're glad you've ...

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'NY Times' Article on the Stories We Tell Ourselves

In a New York Times article titled "The Stories We Tell Ourselves," philosopher Todd May notes that we're often telling stories about ourselves—mainly ...

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Eiffel's Tower Is a Monument to Teamwork

For the 1889 World's Fair in Paris, more than a hundred artists submitted plans to design the centerpiece, the masterpiece of the Exposition Universelle. ...

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Farmer Can't Find the Water Supply on His Land

In the classic French film Jean de Florette, townspeople in a small village in Provence, France conspire against a local landowner named Jean who has ...

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The Trinity Works Together for Our Rescue

While every analogy of the Trinity has its limitations, this picture illustrates one aspect of our Triune God—that they are all on the same team. ...

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