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Sermon Illustrations about Perception

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Perception to help bring your sermon to life.

Priceless Pearl Found in Nearly Discarded Clam

Jill Carattini's article Transfigured tells the story of a priceless discovery:

Barbara Krensavage insisted that clams are not a regular part of her ...

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Polar Explorer Dies, Deceived By False Map

In 1879 Lieutenant George De Long set out with a crew on the USS Jeannette in hopes of claiming the North Pole for the United States. De Long's plans ...

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Hidden Camera Catches Man Yielding to Social Pressure

On August 10, 1948, a pioneering television producer named Allen Funt debuted a hidden-camera reality TV show called Candid Camera. The genius of the ...

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Forger Deceives Art Dealer with Celebrity Counterfeit

In our celebrity-crazed culture it's not surprising that people go crazy for memorabilia. For instance, the red leather jacket Michael Jackson wore ...

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Oregon Woman's Car 'Accidentally' Stolen

If you've never heard of an "accidental car theft," then perhaps a rather strange news story from Portland, Oregon, hasn't reached you ...

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Information Glut Drowns Out the Truth

A cover story for The Economist, an international magazine, was entitled "Yes, I'd lie to you: The post-truth world." The article analyzed ...

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Poker Players Show Amazing Observation Skills

Have you ever watched a televised poker tournament? Cameras are embedded in the table, allowing you to see the cards held facedown by each player. Poker ...

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VUCA—Acronym for 'It's Crazy Out There'

There's a trendy little acronym that's making the rounds in managerial circles—VUCA, which stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ...

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Painting Once Worth $26 Now Estimated at $26 Million

If anything epitomizes the current cultural fascination with uncovering antique treasures, it would have to be the story about the discovery of an original ...

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Cancer Survivor and Trauma Expert on 'Spiritual Surrender'

At the age of 35 Christian psychologist and researcher Dr. Jamie Aten was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer that had spread to his pelvis. Aten said: ...

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