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Sermon Illustrations about Perfection

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Perfection to help bring your sermon to life.

An Unrealistic Search for the Perfect Soul Mate

In his book, This Is Our Time Trevin Wax relates the following story:

In his provocative book Modern Romance, the actor and comedian Aziz Ansari describes ...

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Paul McCartney Still Has Something to Prove

In an interview with Esquire Magazine, former Beatles star Paul McCartney, now aged 75 (as of 2017), was asked if he felt that he still had something ...

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Tom Hanks's Self-Doubt in 'A Hologram for the King'

In his film, A Hologram for the King, Tom Hanks plays a middle-aged American businessman who is sent to Saudi Arabia, where the king is planning to build ...

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Atheist Finds Christ through Christians and Science

Sarah Salviander is research scientist in the field of astrophysics. A lifelong atheist, Sarah became a theist as an undergraduate physics student, when ...

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Actor Ben Affleck Reflects on Our Brokenness

In an interview in The New York Times, award-winning actor Ben Affleck reflected on the pressure to hide our broken areas. When he watches other movies ...

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Professor Posts a 'Failure Resume'

We all have failures in our careers. But usually we keep quiet about it. Not this Princeton professor, who recently shared his CV of failures on Twitter ...

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Self-Medicating the Pain of Perfectionism

In an article in The Atlantic, Ann Dowsett Johnston writes honestly about what she calls "the tyrannical myth of perfection." Here's how ...

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Baseball Pitcher Achieves Perfection … at a Cost

On April 12, 2012, the White Sox's pitcher Philip Humber pitched a perfect game. That is, he retired 27 batters in a row. No walks, no hits. It's ...

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Former Model Dies After Cosmetic Surgery

In a society that idolizes physical appearance, it's not surprising that many individuals are willing to sacrifice a great deal in order to look better. ...

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Woman Chooses Painful Route to Gain Respect

Hajnal Ban decided she was tired of being what she considered short. The five-foot-one Australian woman had been made fun of most of her life, and she ...

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