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Sermon Illustrations about Persecution

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Persecution to help bring your sermon to life.

Unknown Missionary Fought a Corrupt King

In his book A Selfish Plan to Change the World Justin Dillon relates the courage of a missionary couple who stood up against corruption:

In the late 1800s, ...

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Chinese Christian won't Make Jesus Bow Down to the State

Derek Lam is a courageous young Christian leader living in Hong Kong. In an article he wrote for The New York Times about the suppression of human rights ...

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Afghan Monarch Who Destroyed Church 'Overthrown by God'

In 1971, the Afghan government gave a fledgling band of Christians permission to plant a church in Kabul. It was the only Christian church building permitted ...

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Former Muslim Follows Jesus and Willingly Loses Everything

Open Doors, a ministry working with persecuted Christians around the globe, shared the following true story about a Muslim convert to Christ. Bagus (not ...

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Chief Rabbi: When Judaism Is Easy People Lose Faith

Jonathan Sacks, the former Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, once referenced what he called the "counter-intuitive phenomena of Jewish history"—a ...

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How Clay Turns into Gems under Pressure

Geologist Dr. James Clark recounts visiting the Soviet Union a few years after Communism dissolved. He was asked to preach at a small Russian Baptist ...

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Boko Haram Terrorists Place Bounty on Pastor

Hassan John, a Christian pastor from Jos, Nigeria, is regarded as an "infidel" by Muslim extremist Boko Haram insurgents and has a price on ...

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God Gives Strength When We Need It, Not Sooner

In his book, Against the Flow, Oxford professor John Lennox notes that when God calls us to do something difficult he gives us the strength when we need ...

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T.S. Eliot's Conversion Met with Disgust

In 1927, the famous English poet and essayist T.S. Eliot became a Christian and was baptized and confirmed. Prior to his conversion, Eliot belonged to ...

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Faith of Woman Murdered By ISIS

Kayla Mueller, 26 years old, was captured by ISIS, and on February 10, 2015 U.S. officials confirmed that Muslim extremists had murdered her while in ...

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