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Sermon Illustrations about Perspective

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Perspective to help bring your sermon to life.

Optimistic Adults Have a Better Shot at Healthy Aging

“Don’t worry, be happy,” is more than just a song lyric. A growing body of evidence supports an association between optimism and healthy ...

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What Are People Looking For?

Google has published its most searched-for terms of 2021:

For the UK, the five most frequently asked “When” questions were:

1. When will lockdown ...

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The World's Oldest Man Replaced Bitterness with Sweetness

On August 11, 2017, the world's oldest man passed away, just a month short of his 114th birthday—making him one of the 10 longest lived men ...

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TV Show 'The Good Place' Says Heaven 'Kills Fun and Passion'

The Good Place is a popular comedy TV show that follows four humans and their experience in an imagined afterlife. People accumulate points based on their ...

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Good Definition of Worldliness

Author David Wells asks:

What is worldliness? (It is) that system of values, in any given age, which has at its center our fallen human perspective, which ...

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The False ‘Gospel of Hustle’

Author Kate Bowler, associate professor at Duke Divinity School, has fresh insights on the “Gospel of Hustle” that has pervaded American culture ...

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Finding Grace in the Sunrise

Singer-songwriter Sandra McCracken shares insight of how an early morning flight changed her perspective on her problems:

One morning I boarded an early ...

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Claiming the Summit Without Reaching the Top

Only 44 people have reached the summit of all 14 of the world’s 26,000-foot peaks, according to the record books. Or, maybe no one has. The difference ...

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The Supernatural Use for Suffering

“The extreme greatness of Christianity lies in the fact that it does not seek a supernatural remedy for suffering but a supernatural use for it.” ...

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NBA’s Kevin Durant on His Fleeting Fame

Pro basketball star Kevin Durant is one of the most famous athletes in the world (at least as of 2021). Durant is a four-time scoring champion, a two-time ...

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