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Sermon Illustrations about Physical hunger

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Physical hunger to help bring your sermon to life.

Media Overlooks Ten Worst Humanitarian Crises

For the past eight years, the non-profit organization CARE has been tracking what it calls the year’s ten worst humanitarian crises. This year places ...

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Fasting as a Spiritual Discipline

John Piper writes: “My own serious consideration of fasting as a spiritual discipline began as a result of visiting Dr. Joon Gon Kim in Seoul, Korea. ...

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Pastor Starts Movement to Literally Feed the Flock

When Rev. Heber Brown III started noticing a particular need trending in his church, he did what pastors do – he found a way to spearhead a solution. ...

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Starch Recognized as Sixth Primary Taste

Conventional wisdom surrounding the function of taste buds focuses on five essential types of flavor sensations: sweet, salty, savory, sour and bitter. ...

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On Not Getting Used To Poverty

Dr. Robertson McQuilkin of Columbia International University tells a story about visiting his son in India. His son was working and living in the slums ...

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The Power and Purpose of Fasting

Macrina Wiederkehr writes in “A Tree Full of Angels”:

Fasting makes me vulnerable and reminds me of my frailty. It reminds me to remember that ...

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Reasons for Image Obsession Among Girls

In an article for Psychology Today magazine, Hara Marano writes about the constant pressure girls face concerning their image. Deprived of an internal ...

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Friends Can Cause Obesity

The New England Journal of Medicine recently exposed another factor that contributes to obesity: a person's circle of friends. Statistics say it isn't ...

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Bono on Compassion

U2 singer Bono, in a private meeting in June 2001 on the Hill in Washington, D.C., said this about helping the needy of the world:

What will really wake ...

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Realistic Happiness

Who could speak more realistically about the illusion of a yuppie value system than Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who suffered deprivation of all that money ...

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