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Sermon Illustrations about Plans

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Plans to help bring your sermon to life.

The Fragility of Vision

Fragility is part of a vision's nature. People who think they have created an indestructible vision simply issue a command, write an agenda. Had Odysseus ...

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Pushed Around by Expectations

Sometimes expectations push us, making us grow in ways we wouldn't otherwise. You can't just automatically say no. Maybe God is opening a door. ...

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What We Can Do--With God

There is an enormous gap between what we think we can do and what God calls us to do. Our ideas of what we can do or want to do are trivial; God's ...

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Trying to Use the Wrong Plans

You heard about the man who asked a mail-order company to send plans for a birdhouse. Instead of sending him the plans for a birdhouse, they sent him ...

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To Plan Is to Go

At the spiritual level, planning means taking the initiative. It's not about sitting around until you are absolutely certain God is calling you to ...

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Planning to be Fruitful

My garden has taught me to think ahead. For it to be fruitful, I must plan. I must build soil, plant, and nurture what I have planted. It has also taught ...

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Rousing the Lethargic Church

The church, if it expects to rouse from lethargy, must know why it exists and what God expects it to accomplish.

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Preparing for Lasting Work

A lasting work requires extensive preparation.

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God's Initiative

God must reserve for Himself the right of the initiative, the right to break into my life without question or explanation. That shattering phone call, ...

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A Light Unto My Path

As I came home from church one evening, I was struggling to recognize God's guidance for my life. Suddenly, I drove into dense fog and could see nothing. ...

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