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Sermon Illustrations about Pleasing God

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Pleasing God to help bring your sermon to life.

Runner Sets Record With 150 Marathons in 150 Days

Australian Erchana Murray-Bartlett completed 150 marathons in 150 days, running 6,300 kilometers (3,900 miles) from the country’s northern tip to ...

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How Many Smells Are There?

How many smells are there? It’s an odd question, but give it some thought. Mentally flip through the pages of your personal smell catalog. You find ...

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Come, Now Is the Time to Entertain

Ligonier Ministries asked Americans a practical question about worship. “Must churches provide entertaining worship services if they want to be ...

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Olympic Marathon Runner Took Fifty Years to Finish the Race

Japanese Marathon Runner Shizo Kanakuri competed in the domestic qualifying trials for the 1912 Stockholm Olympics. Kanakuri set a marathon world record ...

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Play-Doh Releases Scented Product Line for Adults

Play-Doh was originally invented as a substance to remove soot from wallpaper, and it wasn’t until decades later that it was marketed as a product ...

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The Strength of Humility

A pastor in India was confronted angrily by a man in his office one day. This man made many unfair and untrue accusations against the pastor. After finishing ...

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Last Place Marathon Runners Inspire Each Other To Finish

Laura Mazur and Jessica Robertson had never met before they reached the mile 14 marker at the Pittsburgh Marathon. Mazur was running her 12th marathon ...

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A Christian's Body is on Loan from God

To illustrate the truth that the Christian's body is no longer their own, pastor/author Ray Ortlund writes the following:

I try to drive carefully. ...

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Only God's Praise Lasts

Talking about his hit song "Mean Old Man," singer songwriter James Taylor said,

This one was a big accomplishment, because it's a sophisticated ...

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Driver Leads Police in a Chase Because of His 'Bucket List'

"The world is peppered with people who can coax small seeds of inspiration into richly flowering ideas that put humankind on a better path. And then ...

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