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Sermon Illustrations about Pleasure, good

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Pleasure, good to help bring your sermon to life.

Americans Are too Busy to Enjoy Life

Do you ever feel like you’re too busy to enjoy life? If so, that’s because you are probably too busy. Not that this is some amazing diagnosis: ...

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Laughter Can Heal a Broken Heart

So, laughter really is the best medicine. A mere chuckle is enough to expand cardiac tissue and increase the flow of oxygen throughout the body, thus ...

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God the Merrymaker

N.D. Wilson writes in an article titled “God the Merrymaker”:

We Christians are the proclaimers of joy. We speak in this world on behalf of ...

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Creation Wired to Play

Author Lyall Watson, writing about the culture and habits of pigs, concludes that when young pigs play it is voluntary, random, and stimulated by novelty. ...

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Taste and See that the Lord Is Good

The pleasure of taste starts with the taste buds and ends with electrical signals reaching the reward centers in the brain. This is not just true of people; ...

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Beauty and Sabbath Are Reflections of God's Abundance

Beauty and Sabbath go hand in hand. Both are extravagant. Unproductive. Unnecessary. Both are reflections of God's abundance and reminders that the ...

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Death Row Last Meal: The Futility of Pleasure

Viktor Frankl was an Austrian Holocaust survivor, neurologist, psychiatrist, and author. His writings on man’s search for meaning in the face of ...

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Field Hockey Team Surprises Coach with Formal Wear

East Syracuse Minoa High field hockey coach Kate Harris challenged her players, who were all dedicated and focused, to loosen up a bit. Harris said, “I ...

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Pro Soccer Player Made Soccer His God

In his article titled "Professional Soccer Was My God," former pro soccer player Gavin Peacock writes:

I was never going to be tall, so my dad ...

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Famous Writer on Life's Simple Pleasures

Herman Wouk, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Caine Mutiny, spoke to The Wall Street Journal about his childhood. Wouk was especially grateful ...

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