Sermon Illustrations about Pop Culture
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Pop Culture to help bring your sermon to life.
Why Are So Many Young Men So Angry Online?
Why are so many young men so angry online?
Men are trailing women in college and in the workplace, fewer of their relationships are leading to marriage, ...
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Your New Car Is Spying on You
Bad news, your car is a spy. If your vehicle was made in the last few years, you’re probably driving around in a data-harvesting machine that may ...
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Smartphones and Distracted Drivers
It’s frustrating to public safety officials that there is so little publicly available data on the role that smartphones play in distracting drivers ...
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Why the British Couldn’t Watch TV at 6PM
At 6 PM every day televisions in Britain would go blank. The next one hour would be frantic. Parents would scoop their kids off the living room couch, ...
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How Anxiety Became Popular
In an article in The Atlantic, Derek Thompson explores “How Anxiety Became Content.” He reveals that this new “genre” on social ...
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NYC Declares Social Media a Health Hazard
New York City Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan, acting under the authority of mayor Eric Adams, recently issued a public health advisory designating social ...
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The Wedding Business Misses the Point
A beautiful wedding does not a wonderful marriage make. We know that and yet many couples get drawn into the business of weddings and the price tag can ...
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Improve Your Odds for a Successful Marriage
Research professor Scott Stanley at the University of Denver writes:
A substantial number of practicing Christians believe that living together before ...
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The False Path to Self-Improvement
An Aperture video goes into some depth as to how the promises of self-help and New Age teachings fail to deliver what the individual truly needs. The ...
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Delay Giving Kids Phones for Happier Lives
How old should a child be before getting their first cell phone? There’s only one correct answer if you want them to lead happier, more successful ...
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