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Sermon Illustrations about Prayer

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Prayer to help bring your sermon to life.

A Brother's Long Journey to Healing

In his spiritual memoir A Stranger in the House of God, author and Moody Bible Institute professor John Koessler tells the story of his younger brother ...

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Teenager Tries to Call the President

Access to the most powerful leader in the world—the President of the United States of America—is granted only to the few who have successfully ...

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Bonhoeffer on Intercession

A Christian fellowship lives and exists by the intercession of its members for one another, or it collapses. I can no longer condemn or hate a brother ...

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Jesus Prays for Us

In his book entitled Prayer, Philip Yancey writes:

As Jesus once prayed for Peter, now he prays for us… In fact, the New Testament's only glimpse ...

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Prayer Transforms Landfill

In his book An Unstoppable Force, Erwin McManus shares the story of how prayers resulted in what can only be called a miraculous re-creation.

While ministering ...

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Giving Thanks for Less Obvious Blessings

The author Fleming Rutledge writes:

The life of thankfulness—biblically speaking—is lived in view of the hard things of existence. As the life ...

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Giving Thanks Requires Action

In the Broadway play My Fair Lady, Eliza is courted by a man named Freddy. Freddy writes her love letters every day. But Eliza's response to all of ...

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Prayer Leads to Conversion of Muslims

Austin Carty, a former contestant on the television show Survivor, shares about a mission trip to Indonesia:

Spending a couple of days in this Indonesian ...

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A Mother's Lesson in Prayer

Author Brandon O'Brien writes in "His Name Was Tim”:

His name was Tim, and he was the bane of my existence. I can't remember now any ...

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Behold and Be Still

Two commands direct us from the small-minded world of self-help to the large world of God's help. First, "Come, behold the works of the Lord." ...

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