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Sermon Illustrations about Prayer

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Prayer to help bring your sermon to life.

Garbling the Lord's Prayer

My Sunday school class of youngsters had some problems repeating the Lord's Prayer, but they didn't lack in imagination. One child prayed, "Our ...

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No "I" in the Lord's Prayer

You cannot pray the Lord's Prayer and even once say "I."

You cannot pray the Lord's Prayer and even once say "My."

Nor can you ...

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Prayer That Works

The effective prayer of faith comes from a life given up to the will and the love of God. Not as a result of what I try to be when praying, but because ...

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The Struggle of Prayer

The brethren asked Abba Agathon, "Amongst all our different activities, Father, which is the virtue that requires the greatest effort?"

He answered, ...

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An Answer to Prayer

It was a cold winter day and the entire family was snug in our warm house. Everyone that is, except for our six-year-old Jonathan, who insisted on playing ...

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Single-Minded Purpose

When Luther's puppy happened to be at the table, he looked for a morsel from his master, and watched with open mouth and motionless eyes; he (Martin ...

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Dr. Samuel Johnson's Prayer

Almighty God, merciful Father, whose providence is over all thy works, look down with pity upon the diseases of my body, and the perturbations of my mind. ...

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You Can't Be Holy in a Hurry

Some years ago we often sang a hymn, "Take Time to Be Holy." I wish we sang it more in these days. It takes time to be holy; one cannot be holy ...

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Watch What You Ask For

My granddaughter overheard conversations about an occasional heart problem--loud beating--I experienced when I would try to sleep. One evening her father ...

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God Is Just One Squeal Away

[(Psalms 95:6-7)] always sends me back to the family farm. We raised pigs. We raised about a thousand pigs a year. In one field we had two or three hundred ...

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