Sermon Illustrations about Prayer
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Doctoral student at Princeton, 1952: "What is there left in the world for original dissertation research?"
Visiting lecturer Albert Einstein: ...
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Pray and Post Guard
After their long and weary exile in Babylon the people of Israel were set free to return to their own land. Spurred on by Nehemiah, they began to rebuild ...
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Dead to Materialism
O Lord, crucifie the world unto me, that though I cannot avoyd to live among the baites and snares of it, yet it may be so truely dead unto me and I unto ...
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Prayers of the Spirit
Prayer is made by the spirit, and prayer is made by the mind joined with the spirit.
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Luther: Expanding Each Petition
In "A Simple Way to Pray" (1535), Martin Luther advises his friend Peter to repeat and elaborate on each petition of the Lord's Prayer. ...
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Prayer Better Than Preaching
I'd rather be able to pray than to be a great preacher; Jesus Christ never taught his disciples how to preach, but only how to pray.
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So Little Place for Thanksgiving
It is probable that in most of us the spiritual life is impoverished and stunted because we give so little place to gratitude. It is more important to ...
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Candid Prayer
If we are honest, we must admit that much of our time is spent pretending. But when we turn to God in prayer, we must present our real selves, candidly ...
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Prayer from the Heart
In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without heart.
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