Sermon Illustrations about Prejudice
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Prejudice to help bring your sermon to life.
Americans Have Sense of Dread and Division
Two days after the attempted assassination of former President Trump, The Wall Street Journal ran an article with the following title:
“‘I’m ...
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FBI Agent Critiques Justice System
Jana Monroe had a distinguished 22-year career in the FBI, including in the FBI Behavioral Science Unit. She knows in depth the disturbing depths of human ...
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Wrongly Executed Black Soldiers Get Justice
More than a century ago, 110 Black soldiers were convicted of murder, mutiny, and other crimes at three military trials held at Fort Sam Houston in San ...
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The Creation of a ‘Beloved Community’
In Raymond Arsenault’s biography of John Lewis, he recounts Lewis’s mentors and their shared vision of “the Beloved Community.” ...
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Controversial Police Drug Test Questioned
The Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) program is a federally funded law enforcement initiative that trains officers to recognize symptoms of drivers under ...
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Bias Uncovered in Kids’ Marshmallow Test
Suzanne Gaskins is a psychologist with a background working with indigenous children in Mexico. She wanted to test their capacity for delayed gratification, ...
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Eyes to See but Refuse to See
When Galileo introduced the telescope as a tool to peer into the galaxies, his contemporaries did not believe him. Scoffing, they refused to even look ...
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Oldest Man in Space Realizes Dream Deferred
“What happens to a dream deferred?” That opening line from Harlem renaissance poet Langston Hughes has resonated with generations of African ...
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The Human Library
In the spring of 2000, a unique library was established in Copenhagen, Denmark. It's called the Menneskebiblioteket, which is Danish for, “The ...
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Internet Jokers Regret Royal Rumors
Because the British royal family lives under constant media scrutiny, it’s usual for any member of the family to stay out of the limelight for an ...
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